Frequently asked questions by users facing problem at Indian Blogger Templates.

1. General Questions?

1.1. Who we are?

Indian Blogger Templates is a Blogger Templates designer private organization registered under Creative Commons Rights CC 3.0. We’re the only developer in Blogger Platform who provides first-class service and unique designs with powerful tools.

1.2. What is Blogger.com?

Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) that provides a platform to share your knowledge experiences or the latest news or any tech information in the World without any restrictions and limitations. Blogger is part of Google Platform which on google servers to provide a wide international user base service with 60+ languages.

1.3. Can I use Indian Blogger Templates in WordPress?

No, Blogger Templates are written in XHTML language which is not compatible with Useless Platform WordPress. If you have chosen a template that you want to use, Just Shift into the Blogger.com platform today and start your blogging with services and designs, Full Customer’s support.

1.4. Can I get WordPress Template?

Sorry, Unfortunately, we are not working for WordPress, because WordPress is a useless platform, costly, no security measurements, hosting headache, plugins headache much more problems.
Blogger.com is the only solution but with our blogger templates only because we provide all necessary WordPress plugins features like SEO and other important stuff like auto-generation of meta robots, schema, title tags, alt tags much more features that we provide. Just be Updated and Smart with our Powerful blogger templates.

1.5. What is Blogger Template?

1.6. I want to use WordPress Template in Blogger?

If you find a creative design from WordPress templates then kindly share the demo link of the template with us, so that we can design for you on customer demand. For pricing information kindly reach us remember we take 50% advance payment for designing a custom blogger template.

2. License Questions?

2.1. What is License Key?

A License is a unique identification id that is auto-generated by our LemonSqueezy.com (“Our Payment Partner”) to provide valid proof that you’re a premium customer and its non-transferable only one id valid for the original buyer.

2.2. Where can I find my License key?

A license key can be easily found from your LemonSqueezy account is automatically created by LemonSqueezy.com when you purchase a template from us.
How to login into your LemonSqueezy account kindly visit the page for detailed information. If you buy a template through our different payment, method please contact us we will add your subscription in LemonSqueezy so that you can open and access your LemonSqueezy account easily without any trouble

2.3. Can I remove Footer Credit in Free Templates?

No, you can’t remove footer credit from our Free Blogger Templates. This Footer credit is under Creative Commons Rights CC 3.0. We can take DMCA action to remove the blog if we found any illegal activity on Free Blogger Templates Distribution and selling online.

2.4. What is License in Blogger Templates?

Our All Blogger Templates are under Creative Commons Rights CC 3.0. License by which nobody is allowed to sell and distribute our Premium templates without our permission (with the help of an affiliate program you can sell our blogger templates). You can distribute our free blogger templates without modifying our footer credit.

2.5. Difference between Free and Premium Templates License?

Free Blogger Templates are allowed to distribute without modifying the footer credit but Premium Blogger are under license CC 3.0 where you can use the premium version for personal use only no permission to sell and distributed in online platforms.
Want to know more about Free blogger templates features and Premium blogger templates features kindly visit the page here.

2.6. Can I Resell Template after Purchase?

No, you can not resell our premium template and can’t share it with anybody on groups or social media platforms if we found such activity then we have to take strict action under perjury and penality laws of governments

3. Installisation Questions?

3.1. Can you help me to Install Blogger Template?

For Premium Users we provide a free blog setup service, there are no extra charges that you need to pay. Also, you can manually install the blogger template by following this page link. Here we have explained in detailed information how to install a blogger template.

3.2. I am Premium Customer I need Customization?

For Free customers, we Customization help to regrade to that template only which is purchased and there are no extra features, codes, or gadgets that we can provide to fulfill your customer demands. If you face any bug problems in the template then we are immediately ready to provide the help.

3.3. How to install a Blogger Template?

Well for installing blogger templates you don’t need any NASA case Study for installing a blogger template it’s a bit easy and simple just like copy and paste or upload a file in Social Media Platform like way.
Here you can visit this page for further detailed information and different ways to install a Blogger template easily.
The First method to install a blogger template is by opening the downloaded Zip file in a Zip/Rar Extractor so that after opening the file you can see several files stored inside the zip file, simply the main ends with the extension of example.xml tap to open in any notepad and copy its all code and paste inside the Blogger>Theme>Edit HTML Dashboard and Click Save.
The Seconds Method is by uploading the example.xml file in the blogger dashboard simply go to Blogger>Theme>Restore then select the file from your File Manager and tap uploaded.
Done you have successfully installed a blogger template.
Visit the link for detailed Installation Guidance.

3.4. How to remove Virus/Junk & Extra Useless Widgets from blogger template?

Well, there are various beginners and professionals available on the blogger platform but nobody knows how to remove virus and junk from blogger template and other useless gadgets which is not in use.
If you want to do this manually then it takes too much time.
Why the useless widgets created in blogger platform when you change the template because different templates have different widget ID which matches with next template widget and it created the junk.
But we provide a solution to remove all viruses/junk and extra useless widgets easily with just one tap, First of all, download this blank template file Blank Template.xml and open it in any Notepad editor Copy all the code inside this blank template and paste it on Blogger>Theme>Edit HTML dashboard and save the code.
Make sure you make a backup of your template file after that re-upload the original template which you want to use on your blogger website.

3.5. I want to Update my Template File?

Updating our blogger templates is very easy, within each and every post we provide a changelog option where you can see the upcoming updated version and their fixed bugs information, Inserted new features also that's available in the new update.
Once you confirm that there is any update regarding the template you have purchased We will notify you by email and you can also manually check Our Post, after that, you can visit this link to update the template, this link is also available in the template in detail into the template post.
Here in this link we have explained in detail how to update template easy with your LemonSqueezy account.
I have to remember that when you update the template your all changes will be lost there is no method to save you have to make set up the template again.

3.6. Why Blogger Shows an error while uploading the Template file?

This is very common and sometimes many users feel like they are stuck in borewell.
But originally it’s very simple to open the .xml template file in notepad editor and copy the whole code inside the template file, after that go to Blogger>Theme>Edit HTML and paste the code.
By doing this method it solves the error.

4. Support Questions?

4.1. Why does my Website Redirects to Indian Blogger Templates?

In Free blogger templates, you can’t edit and remove footer credit, we request to if you face redirection of your website then please re-install the template and do not remove our website link from the Copyright Footer Widget section, yes you can add your website link at footer but don’t remove our website link.
If you want to remove the Footer Credit link then please buy our premium version.

4.2. I am Premium User, Can I remove Footer Credit?

Yes, in a premium template there are full of rights in your hands to control and modify your template. You can add your website link at the footer there is no such our official website link in the footer copyright. In Premium Template you can do anything its clean template.

4.3. My ads aren’t Showing on my Blogger Website after Changing Template?

If ads are not displaying either Posts or Page or Homepage then understand why this happened, actually when you change a blogger template google, or any other ads partner that you use take some time to shows ads back again within 24hrs max.
Try to use Incognito mode in your browser whether to see ads works properly or not.
On the other hand, try to contact your ads partner or see the relevant solution on Youtube regarding the ads code placement, we already provide an ads space widgets section in our templates you can use that one place a Responsive ads code.

4.4. Why my recent/random/featured/breaking widgets aren’t working?

Many user’s face problem that my Featured posts gadgets isn’t working this problem created with simple mistook that you have done, so let’s see how to fix. First of all,
when using Indian Blogger Templates Shortcode remember that you have read the documentation carefully because in our documentation we have clearly mentioned the mistakes that you do,
but as we know everybody is lazy and ignoring documentation to read carefully.
Remember always when you’re using Shortcodes we already provide a pre-installed template where all the necessary codes are inserted,
but if you want to show posts from a specific Label just like example 6/featured/recent then change only Label,
not shortcode featured just like recent in that place use your post Label.
Here is an example that looks like 6/featured/Happy Life now here Happy Life is the label but be ensure that you use the same Label as you inserted in posts like Lowercase or Uppercase means First letter capital or not,
just write same exact then Featured posts widget works properly.
Further, any more problems and issues reach us we are always ready to help you.

4.5. Why are Blur Images showing on Blogger Website?

This is a very common error that newbie users face because they uploaded images but didn’t select the right quality of image, you have to simply tap on the image in the blogger post dashboard after that you will see a gear setting icon underneath the image tap on that select Original Image size resolution so that an original size image quality appear in your blog.
After inserting Original Image size tap to published and Save the post and refresh your website you will see that your images now appear in clear quality resolution.

4.6. Why does my website show only 2 posts, Either I Turned on 6 Posts?

Many users face a problem that Why does my website show only 2 posts, Either I Turned on 6 Posts and this happens due to a problem in your posts and blogger settings, not in the template, let’s see how to fix it.
Blogger is a Powerful platform by google but sometimes there is a limitation that google engineers did in blogger, in the past couple of years there is too many improvements and changes that the blogger team made, like easy to handle and take control over your blog.
Blogger has a limit of 1MB Post sizes that shouldn’t exceed that’s why when reaching this limit your posts aren’t showing on your website.

There are two solutions one of them Make Clear Text Formatting by Selecting all text in each post one by one and click on the Text Formating option at top of Blogger Dashboard Post Editor (but this option clear all changes inside the post like your custom inserted buttons color lines etc. and increase website speed because in blogger the posts loaded automatically in background when you load your homepage if you don't want to do this use second option).

On other hand, the second solution is by making page break in each post one by one simple go to your posts and at the top of paragraph in the post insert page break option located at top blogger editor tools, now you have successfully inserted page break, same like this way insert in other posts.
This page break increase website speed and lightweight your web page size if your posts are lengthy.
For more help search on youtube how to give page break in blogger.

5. Payment Questions?

5.1. I want my Refund for the Template Purchase in Indian Blogger Templates Store?

We deliver our digital products through digital cloud method by which refund is not possible we will improve our services further if you face any issue or problem.
Once we deliver the digital file to you then a refund is not possible.
Either there is the exceptional case when supposed to be if the product is not delivered to you or during the delivery of the digital product if there is an error in payment gateway then a refund is possible.

5.2. I am trying to make a payment but it’s failed?

LemonSqueezy is a payment gateway we use this Platform which is very reliable, flexible, hardly some user’s can face payment declined problems. Please remember that we support these ATM cards Master Card, Visa Card, American Express only the rest of the other cards are not supported.
You can choose another payment method on the checkout page like PayPal, Debit Card.

5.3. My Bank Card is not Supported on the Checkout page?

We provide two payment methods on checkout pages like PayPal, Debit Card. But if you need any other payment gateway please contact us we will help you to provide a relevant payment method.

5.4. I am a Premium user Need some Customisation?

We welcome with a warm heart our premium users if they face any problem any bug any issue in the blog website or template we are always ready to serve a better service and on-time full support,
But if users demand that they need their personal requirements for customization or adding any extra feature then this is not possible you have to pay for that or buy our customization support.|
Premium support only includes the template issues regarding bugs and problems that occur in the template.

5.5. I have no Cards, How to pay?

We’re sorry if you don’t have any cards to pay, either you can use PayPal option on our checkout page. Further need more help please contact us

5.6. How I can get a Discount on Indian Blogger Templates?

When you select two or more templates to buy from our website, then please before buying contact us we will provide you a coupon code that you can apply on the checkout page “I have Coupon code” option so that price will be less. For single template purchase there is no offer currently available.

5.7. I Purchase the Wrong Template By Mistake?

When you purchase a template from our website then it's your right decision which template is best compatible and fits in according with your blog category.
because we provide templates through the digital cloud method by which you receive a file. and it's are non-reversible means there is no other method or way available two reverse those purchases regarding the template.
It would be better if you select the right template during Purchasing our digital products

5.8. How to Generate Affiliate link for Re-selling Indian Blogger Templates?

If you are interested in our affiliate program then we will help to guide you on how to create an affiliate link for your website so that you can promote our blogger templates and earn some revenue is an easy way to earn and share your templates with your audience.
kindly visit this page link here we have explained in detail what is an affiliate program and how to join what are the term and condition if you have any question or query please feel free to contact us.
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*Last Updated: 13/April/2024