

www.bloggertemplatess.com is a site that offers a great blog display, you can create a professional looking blog using the template we provide. With the presence of www.bloggertemplatess.com it is not difficult to find templates with displays like WordPress and Joomla now because everything on www.bloggertemplatess.com is available with a professional look so that visitors feel that the blog you are using is not Blogspot but WordPress or Joomla. Not only in terms of a great look, the structure in the template is also neatly arranged and has a heading tag that is very friendly with search engines like Google, Bing, Index and others. www.bloggertemplatess.com initially used the blogspot subdomain, indianbloggertemplate.blogspot.com, as time went by, we finally decided to change to the higher domain, https://www.riyatemplate.xyz. This only lasted a few months. Finally, we changed the domain to a new domain, www.bloggertemplatess.com, we changed it because we thought the domain was not very friendly, maybe because the domain [TOP] is still new and still not used, so we thought so and finally we decided to change again to a more friendly domain, www.bloggertemplatess.com, which we have been using until now and by the grace of God we will always use it. www.bloggertemplatess.com was established www.bloggertemplatess.com was established on October 01, 2023, which was still using the Blogspot subdomain at that time, continuing on the www.bloggertemplatess.com domain. I forgot the date of change of this domain and while this domain is no longer associated with our website www.bloggertemplatess.com The www.bloggertemplatess.com domain was purchased on Godady.co on October 01, 2023 which is the best cloud hosting ever and is used.
Why Did We Create Indian Blogger Template?
Because we're mediocre at subpar templates
There are numerous templates on the market, but because of their flexibility, they are unable to support a website. If the cover is removed, this will become apparent. Due to improper layout design, all of the sections and widgets break when you add any content and are not adaptable. Nobody wants their website to perform poorly due to compatibility issues and stress. A perfect website requires a well-designed, expert template that addresses all the concerns of both new and experienced website owners. We arrive with a fresh, contemporary layout with the intention of offering fixes for every issue.
All problems are solved by our product. The majority of website owners
1A fantastic user experience
Most other themes haven't given much thought to making your job easier, which is why pre-designed documentation and excellent customer support are available.
2Dedicated, knowledgeable support
It's natural for questions to arise; unlike other businesses, we don't keep you waiting for an answer and we treat you like a customer, not an inconvenience.
3Lightning fast load times
You've most likely noticed... Reaction times are becoming increasingly short. If your website does not load quickly, you have lost a valuable visitor.
4Adsense Friendly
The pre-designed ads shortcode in all of our templates makes it easy for you to integrate them into your website.
How our product solve modern major problems in blogger?
We designed our templates with modern code, giving you more flexibility and resources to easily set up your theme.
2Optimum Performance
Our templates are all performance-optimized and adhere to regulatory requirements. To reduce render times by several seconds, we use on-scroll ajax loading.
3Improved Productivity
We removed totally unnecessary blogger feed features that decreased website performance and your website efficiency.
4Clean Code
We created clean code templates that are user-friendly and search engine friendly helps to push ranking. Our flexible jQuery code functions will stop all unnecessary feeds and posts.

How Do We Do It?
Glad you asked
A website's success is significantly influenced by the blogger templates it uses. Every visitor and reader who comes to your website will evaluate it based on its functionality, readability, responsiveness, design, and user-friendliness. For this reason, you should be very careful when selecting a template for your website. With the aid of our expert templates, you won't have to worry about this because all of our designs are expertly made to satisfy all of your needs while also giving you excellent performance and a stunning appearance that will help you achieve your business objectives and boost website traffic.

That's why our templates have the following features:

Unique Designs
Our designs are original and responsive in our shop. Each design is unique with its fundamental capabilities and cutting-edge features that are fundamental and expert, and the website owner needs to set up their website. The first step in a website's success to increase traffic is a perfect design.
SEO Friendly Code
We only produce fully SEO-friendly templates, so no coding setup is necessary. You can use the Google Page Speed Test tool to evaluate the performance and optimisation of the website we created for you in our premium templates. Everything is pre-installed in our templates to give you the best experience.
Blazing Fast Speed
Advanced JavaScript codes are required in order to increase website speed steadily while also lengthening the time it takes for a page to load. Image optimisation, which is a big problem for website speed, is not necessary. Our template includes the native feed mode of the default image optimizer for Blogger.

Ayan SahaAyan Saha
Henrick idawaHenrick idawa
Omprakash KumarOmprakash Kumar
Probin kumar SahProbin kumar Sah
Ahmet OzanAhmet Ozan
Alejandro MorenoAlejandro Moreno
Amitava NathAmitava Nath
Amol SariseAmol Sarise
Andy RedanAndy Redan
Anshuman ChandelAnshuman Chandel
Áquila NícolasÁquila Nícolas
Bhupesh PatelBhupesh Patel
Bidisha MannaBidisha Manna
Chiro MartinChiro Martin
Lakshika MadushaniLakshika Madushani
Lakshman PrasadLakshman Prasad
Er. MasroorEr. Masroor

Join a Family of Thousands of Website Owners
Limitless Thoughts
We earn more customer trust on our Brand Indian Blogger Template with our best service and support care. A customer is a god for us these are not just words if you feel this respect from our slide kindly give us a chance to handle your blog once and you will never get disappointed. This type of support is possible when more customers interact with our brand and we are having the opportunity to serve a better service.

*Last Updated: 15/April/2024